mercuri1 students took part in the 3rd Prominence Intensive Program

From November 16th to November 18th, the mercuri took part in the 3rd Prominence Intensive Program dedicated to "Practising Cultural Intelligence across Cultures".

More than forty students from 6 different partner universities from across Europe and overseas have been working successfully in cross-cultural teams on an international marketing project on that week. The University of Savoie Mont-Blanc has been the host of the Intensive Programme as part of a EU project entitled PROMINENCE (PROmoting MINndful ENCounters through intercultural Competence and Experience). See

This project is financially supported within the framework of the EU funding initiative Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships. Over a period of 3 years, university partners from Aschaffenburg (Germany), University of Economics of Bratislava (Slovakia), Debrecen (Hungary), Katowice (Poland), Savoie Mont Blanc (France), Seinäjoki (Finland) and University of Economics of Varna (Bulgaria) have been working together. Those short intensive programmes are aimed at fostering international teamwork and learning about theories and practices of working across cultures. The programmes were delivered in English to a total of 150 students over the last 3 years.

In their cross-cultural teams students were assigned to develop a marketing campaign for a focal beer brand on different European markets. Pr Stephane Ganassali who coordinated the third IP with a focus on marketing strategies and practices summarises the ambition of this last IP: “We wanted the students to experience all stages of a product development on the beer market, within an intercultural context. They had to consider cultural differences in two European countries, and define their marketing mix accordingly. Students were assigned to international teams, they had to collaborate via online tools and could enjoy a true immersive cross-cultural situation”.